
This ewe was our first to lamb with a set of quads! We will likely have to take a couple of these lambs to bottle feed but for now the ewe will be able to provide these four with the essential colostrum that they need. Colostrum is the first milk produced by a ewe when their lambs are born. It’s the key to survival for lambs as it is high in fat which helps them maintain their body temperature and helps protect the newborn lambs against disease.

Why do some lambs need bottle fed?

Unlike a cow that has an udder with four teats, a ewe has only two teats. This means that if she has more than two lambs she may not be able to provide enough milk for them all. This is why we will often bottle feed some of the lambs. This helps ensure that all the lambs get enough milk to thrive.

First set of quads
Posted in Spring Lambs.