Why we raise Rideau Arcott
Our main reason for selecting this breed of sheep is for their high rate of lambing. Ewes are prolific averaging 2.5 lambs per lambing season. They are good mothers and lambs have a rapid growth rate finishing out at around 100 lbs (45 kg).
They’re Canadian!
The Rideau Arcott is a purebred sheep which was created in Canada. Their genetic mix is:
- 40% Finnish Landrace
- 20% Suffolk
- 14% East Friesian
- 9% Shropshire
- 8% Dorset Horn
- 9% remain consists of Border Leicester, North Country Cheviot, Romnelet and Corriedale.
More About the Breed
The Rideau Arcott is a dual purpose sheep, meaning it may be bred for both meat and wool. While today these sheep are bred primarily for meat they do produce a medium quality fleece.
This breed of sheep is generally white in color but may have slightly colored legs and face. The face should be free of wool.
Mature rams weigh up to 220 lbs (100 kg) and mature ewes range between 150-200 lbs (70-90 kg).
Another feature of this breed is that lambing can occur at around 8 month intervals.