The newest addition to our little farm in August was four Muscovy ducks. We were looking for a way to reduce the number of grasshoppers around the yard and our research showed that ducks LOVE grasshoppers. Our ducks were 2 months old when we got them and they went to work right away on the grasshopper control.

I had fun making a home for our ducks. Using a bunch of reclaimed wood and tin that we had around the place (because that’s what you do on the farm – lol). It takes longer but we like to reuse and repurpose as much as we can. Here’s a look at the finished project ‘The Waddle on Inn’.
The roof is designed to open for easier cleaning and the one end with the nest boxes has a smaller opening roof. Time will tell how we like the functionality. A separate ‘food shack’ was made as ducks like to have their food with their water and ducks LOVE splashing in their water! So, this had to be separate from their place to bed down and stay warm and dry.